This is my first blog post, as I’m still deep in the process of trying to get my website up and running. My journey from the Rolf Insitute to launching a fully-formed business has been a longer one than I expected, mainly due to a move from CA to WA immediately post-graduation, compounded with an unusually involved and lengthy local licensing process. Nonetheless, I’m extremely grateful for all of the guidance I’ve received from more experienced and established practitioners, my transfer instructors here in Seattle who helped me navigate the path to becoming an LMT, as well as the invaluable hands-on practice I’ve gotten by way of my clients (and friends!) in Boulder, Oakland, and Seattle along the way. While I didn’t expect to need to go back to school right after graduation, and I was sometimes frustrated by the additional licensing hoops to jump, the added information and training I received in order to be considered a healthcare provider in WA State has already proven to be invaluable! While I still have a ways to go before I can launch, and it seems that an unforeseen global health crisis may very well push back my grand opening, I’m still excited to continue learning and growing as a practitioner. I could not have become a Certified Rolfer without the support of my family, my wonderful partner, my CA Rolfers—Carole LaRochelle and Jeb Bentley, my Rolf Movement practitioner Rob McWilliams, mentor Dr. Em Segman (anatomy and physiology professor extraordinaire, multiple degree-holder, and Doctor of Chinese Medicine), and my wonderful friends and colleagues who were willing guinea pigs for me as I trained. In addition, I send many thanks to the staff of DiscoveryPoint School of Massage for guiding me through the transfer and licensing process in Seattle, and my local mentor and practitioner, Anne Hoff, for giving me the opportunity to write for the Rolf Journal and for her professional advice and hands-on help with navigating my own ongoing movement and physical dilemmas. Thank you all, and I will do my best to make you proud!